Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?

Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? was a children’s television game show loosely based on the computer games of the same name created by now defunct Brøderbund Software. Time aired on PBS from 1996 to 1998 and stars Lynne Thigpen as “The Chief”, Kevin Shinick as “ACME Time Pilot Leader” and “The Engine Crew” as various informants. The show replaced Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?.

Before the show begins, the viewing audience sees a live-action Carmen Sandiego in her CGI headquarters. She appears complaining to herself about something and quickly plots to steal the historical “seed” that lead to that something’s existence. She then summons to one of her V.I.L.E. gang members and tells them what to steal and where to go. The Chief then appears and tells the audience that if the stolen object is not returned within twenty-eight minutes (the length of the show), history will be changed forever. Then the show begins.

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