What would Merryweather’s gift have been, had Maleficent not crashed the party?

Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. Lets go, people.

3 fairies invited to a birthday party and 1 isn’t.

They all give presents to the birthday girl.
Flora (red) gives her Beauty, Fauna (green) gives her Song, Merryweather (blue) is about to give her ____ when the Regina George of Fairyland busts in with her elitist black friend and totally bitch’s the place up, giving her the “gift” of everyone growing to enjoy and adore her only to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and DIE. Boom.

So Merryweather’s gift is that she won’t “DIE” die, she’ll just Disney-die and be asleep until some dude she met once on a walk comes and kisses her while she’s asleep (something that chicks in real life evidently hate 80% of the time, I’ve found out).

So what was MerryBlue’s original giftaroo?

It’s an open question. I don’t have a guess. Not intelligence, because its implied she already got that from her wise parents since she’s way more self-aware and rape-conscious than you could possibly expect a 15th century blonde raised by 3 women secluded in a forest. We know it can’t be any of the other positive character traits or talents she posses (kind, compassionate, sense of humor/whimsy, respectful but assertive, soft spoken, nice feet and calves), so wtf could she possibly have needed besides a chance to not fulfill a death prophecy? Seems to be nothing. She’s perfect. Go Sleepin B.

But instead of satisfy the question, it only begs new ones, since that makes it even curiouser what MayWhey thought she needed. Knowing the blue fairy’s personality, it probably would have been something stupid like “an unearned sense of importance that makes you unappealingly high-maintenance” or “a sense of neediness that shall make thou protest when he’s out with his friends”. Aside from the whole implied torture after getting ambush-captured by goblins and having to fight through thorns and kill a drag, stuff – this whole gift fiasco was the best thing to ever happen to Prince Phillip. By the Mean Girl shutting down the pushy annoying fat friend, he was able to get the perfect girl. Hot dang.

I still wanna know what she was gonna bestow though (oh oh, slow-mo, garden hoe show, go go go, y’know?).

POSSIBLE PLOT TWIST: Or did they necessarily choose in advance? The intro to the scene implies that their gift-giving powers are limited, cuz Flora tells the royal family that “Each of us, the child may bless, a single gift. No more, no less”. So we know that there’s some cosmic rules goin on here, making it possible that they are deciding what to give on the spot by letting the fairy Force flow through them or whatever. mmm. Actually, I don’t like that theory, because then its a “fate/everything happens for a reason” cop out where cosmic puzzle pieces forced the interruption right then precisely because MW’s gift was always supposed to be an addendum to the curse.

Whether that deserves further exploration or not, however, the default should still be the presumption that the fairies knew their intentions ahead of time and thus Merryweather had to sacrifice her original to provide that loophole.

UPDATE: After heavy consideration of the received suggestions to this very important and timely subject facing the nation and very world at large, I am heavily leaning towards the proposal that the gift in question would be something to do with words and expression.

To arrive at the answer, we have to look at both what teen-Aurora lacks and what evidence there is leading up to the incident before the change.

I was initially stumped on this because teen-Aurora appears to have it all – but articulate expression of complex thought is what is missing. She’s bright and reasonably analytical, but she’s not a professor. Her dialog is limited almost entirely through song, in fact. Girls got it goin on, but she hits a wall in conveying her thoughts, balancing them with her emotions and voicing them.

Merryweathers always arguing but with a point. ie: Flora’s plan to turn the kid into a flower until after the curse-expiration since a flower can’t prick its finger and Merryweather is all “ya! Great idea…until Maleficent sends a frost, you stupid bitch. Even friggin Fauna points out that she does that shit to your flowers, like, ALL the god damn time. Are you even trying, you dumb ho?” (paraphrase).

Logical problem solving computation and a clear expression of the process and results is both something Princess Aurora lacks and what fits with the gift-givers personality.

If I were grading papers on this, I would accept the explanation for Courage being the answer, though she’s actually a ground breaker on this front, being the most contrarian princess of her time. Snow White and Cinderella are total fate-resigners. Shit goes down and they’re just leaves in the wind. Aurora aint no Belle or Jasmine (all picking fights with their superiors n shit) but she is a march out of the damsel mannequin mold.

In response to the challenge that she demonstrated eloquence when she sang and spoke with the forest creatures in “I Wonder” and “Once Upon a Dream”: I say nay. Those moments are examples of her talent of song. It’s all dreamy hippie artistic nonsense that reeks of Aunt Fauna. With Merryweathers intended gift (according to me) she would have been all “I know you, you are the object of desire I have often thought about, meeting exactly the specifications of a suitor I would put at the top of my list to strive to meet and marry. A veritable, dream come true, one might say. My name is Aurora. What is yours? I need to leave quickly, but lets plan our next encounter” and so on. Instead she’s all “teehee. You’re awesome and dreamy and i’m a little moist in your presence. okay, fine. you may dance with me. crap! Gotta go! BYE!”

Thine quality she lacks most is clear, calculating verbal diction and it fits most appropriately with Merryweathers own personality.

The answer is some undetermined form of eloquence and expression.

You’re welcome.

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