7 Muppet Babies Unanswered Questions

I never missed an episode of late-80s/early 90s Saturday Morning Cartoon allstar, Muppet Babies. No one did. it was an awesome show that ran many seasons. But not without raising a few lingering questions…

1- How come Miss Piggy was always saying “Yippie Skippy” but never said it as an adult?

2- Kermits nephew Robin making an appearance as a tadpole was a nice touch, but it begged the question of where Kermits brother or sister was and why they weren’t raised with him?

3- Skeeter was added as Scooters twin as an excuse to add another girl to the cast but they never added her to the actual Muppets in any of their later live action endeavors. How did Skeeter die and why doesn’t anyone ever mention it?

4- What did Nanny look like in your mind? To me she was a redhead in her mid 30s to 40s. Her voice sounded grandmotherly (voiced by Leave it to Beaver’s mother) but those funky socks and shoes imply an elder. Wicked Witch of the East (the legs under the house), style. Except nice. So more like a Mother Goose feel. Her mental image crossfades between the two in my minds eye like a broken 1990s television.

5- Where did Miss Piggy get all those cupcakes? Seriously. The bitch always had cupcakes. She didn’t bake them. She didn’t buy them. Where the fkk did they come from?
Why would Nanny just buy one of the babies an entire box of cupcakes and just be like “here… eat these at your discretion”? She’s already a pig, Nanny. Now you’re just double-guaranteeing she has a weight problem when she’s older.

6- WTF is Nanny doing all friggin day? Polishing her Norman Rockwell collector plates from dawn till dusk? How is she a “nanny” exactly? She just leaves the kids in the nursery and checks up from time to time and that’s it.

Maybe the babies wouldn’t have to use their stupid imaginations so damn much if they were allowed out of the nursery once in awhile.

7- Why the hell were the babies never allowed outside? They spent their entire day and night in that nursery every single episode. Are they part of a government experiment? Is Nanny their CIA operative managing the project and that is why she only checks in periodically?

-Here is a sample episode for you Younglings:

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