Lion King Professional Pirate

Spirit Re-cut of Mine from Pocahontas

I’ve never seen Spirit (its not by Disney), but this recut with the Disney’s Pocahontas song was done pretty well and by golly, I like it.

Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Music Video

A tribute to the laughing psychopath, as portrayed in Tim Burton’s ’89’s Batman movie, played incredibly by Jack Nicholson. ‘The Joker’ by Steve Miller Band.

Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

Dr. Elmo made this in his living room in 1983. It played on MTV for 18+ years. Written by Randy Brooks and performed by Dr. Elmo.

Batman Forever Music Video. Seal. Kiss from the Rose

Reminds me of the summer of 95 every time.

Harley & Ivy go on a shopping spree

From the Christmas episode of Batman Gotham Knights.

Disney Love. You’re Beautiful

This speaks to me much more than the original video where the singer just undresses on a snowy cliff and jumps off it. BONUS: Lady & The Tramp version below if you’re more into the dog thing…

Charlie Chaplin. One Day She’ll Love Me

A music video of three Charlie Chaplin movies, “The Gold Rush”, “City Lights”, and “Modern Times” to the song “One Day She’ll Love Me” sung by Sting and Shawn Colvin.

Cuban Pete music video

Doug. Bangin on a trash can music video

Doug, Skeeter and Beebee remind us to Think Big