Aladdin Ending

Jafar is gotten rid of and Genie set free.

Gulliver’s Travels: Lilliput

Near the beginning of the movie when ted danson’s character Gulliver has returned to his own world but continue to hallucinate about his adventures which no one of course believes.

Batman TAS. Riddler’s final defeat

Including the revamped episodes (Batman: Gotham Knights), this is the last Riddler-centered episode of the series. Paul Dini has since revealed that the reason for the limited number of Riddler episodes is that he was the most difficult character to write for, given that in the comic the Riddler’s plots go could on for issues on end whereas they have only twenty minutes in a cartoon episode. As a result, the production team has a bin filled with rejected Riddler scripts that proved too complicated or too silly to do.

The answer to how Batman escaped?
At the last minute he jumped into a large safe that was in the wharehouse.

Tale Spin. I’m Gone

Don’t trouble me with trouble’s man, I’m Gawn! This was from the movie version of Plunder and Lightning. Not that much different than the syndicated version, but it does have a different sound to it.

Aladdin. One Step Ahead

Excellent sequence that sets the tone for the movie: fast paced, clever and hilarious.

Ren & Stimpy. Maddog Hoek

Maddog Hoek and Killer Katdoogen wrestle Lump and Loaf.

Garfield. in Rip Van Kitty

Garfield wakes up after 20 years and realizes that some things have changed, while others have not.

The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

I used to blast this on cassette. Comedy like this just doesn’t exist in todays children programming. From the flying Stimpy crocodiles, to the tree lobsters – it was quite a world.

Fantasia. Russian Flowers

Doug. Bangin on a trash can music video

Doug, Skeeter and Beebee remind us to Think Big