Looney Tunes on Nick Commercials

1. “Looney Tunes on Nick” Ending

2. Nick at Nite up next bumper

3. Sports Cartoon (Karate)

Was interested in this and all the other short cartoons Nickelodeon would play throughout its daytime programming, but once was enough. They were too uneventful to keep my attention more than a second time. even though I watched them multiple times anyway.

4. Alpha Bits (cut off)

A-B-C DELICIOUS! lolz. Loved this commercial. never bought or ate the cereal.

5. Sparkle Crest

The animation was impressive, the bold blue gel as tooth paste was crazy to me, and the recognizable tune of Locomotion that I knew from The Jim Henson hour made this one a winner. I was only able to experience its awesomeness at friend and family houses though since we got our tooth paste from the health food store. naturally.

6. Nickelodeon ID (Octopus)

This made sense to me when I saw it on tv. looking back…not somuch.

7. “Looney Tunes on Nick” bumper

8. NES Paperboy

9. Flexiblocks

I hated blocks and anything building-related and I wanted these things. The sheer wtf-omg-ness of BLOCKS that fkking MOVE was just too irresistible not to be mine. except they never were mine. I never asked for them because although I was amazed and desired them for archival purposes, I knew I would never play with colored bricks on hinges.

10. “Looney Tunes on Nick” bumper and ending

Speedy Gonzales gave a friendly child-relatable Mexican figure to younger viewers. later attacks that he was ‘racist’ were idiotic damaging lies.

11. Nick at Nite up next bumper

12. Sports Cartoon (Football)

“Sports Cartoon” is a really uncreative title for this series of shorts. I feel about this one the same as the other: I liked it, but always desired dialog and more editing to liven it up a little.

13. 11th Cable Ace Awards

14. “Best of SNL” Promo

15. “Bigfoot Strikes Again” VHS (cut off)

16. “Looney Tunes on Nick” bumper

17. Russian Porcelain Plate

18. “Patty Duke Show” Promo

19. “Looney Tunes on Nick” bumper

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