I Love Lucy. Vitameatavegamin

This is a segment of the episode titled, “Lucy Does a TV Commercial.” Lucy is hired to act as the “Vitameatavegamin girl” in a TV commercial, to promote a health tonic that contains healthy amounts of vitamins, meat, vegetables, minerals — and a less-than-healthy dose of 23% alcohol. After four rehearsals of saying “It’s so tasty too, just like candy!” and then drinking the foul-tasting tonic while trying unsuccessfully not to grimace, Lucy becomes progressively more drunk, but gamely keeps on pitching the product. Eventually, the alliterative, tongue-twisting product name and pitch become too hard for her to keep straight. “Do you pop out at parties? Are you unpoopular? Well, the answer to all your troubles is in this bittle lottle!” The three variations of “Vitameatavegamin” were “Mitameatamigimin,” “Mitavatameatymat,” and “Vitaveatyvigyvat”. In November of 2001, fans voted this episode as their favorite, during a 50th anniversary I Love Lucy television special.

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