Tale Spin. Sky Pirates

Sky Pirates – from the TaleSpin pilot, Plunder and Lightning. Don Karnage sings of being an air pirate.

Garfield and Friends. Quickie. The Contest

Garfield and Odie have a contest to see who can bark or meow loudest.

DuckTales. Scrooge McDuck’s bad news meltdown

A sea monster ate his ice cream for Christ sake. How would YOU react?? This is no temper tantrum. The old man simply loses it for a short time.

Eek! Goes to the Hot Spot

Eek! goes to Hell.

Eek! The Cat. Eekpocalypse Now!

Eek! The Cat. The Great Eekscape

A Garfield Christmas Special

Part 2: Part 3: 1987. Garfield, Jon and Odie go to Jon’s parents house for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.

DuckTales Theme

Olovyannui Soldatik. Steadfast Tin Soldier

From 1959, Soviet Union. A beautiful adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale. It’s the only one that doesn’t replace the Black Goblin character that lives in the cigar box, and keeps the full 3 acts of the… Read More